Sustainable Construction

Triple Bottom Line: Social, Environmental, Financial

At Hardypond Construction, we know the bottom line is not the only important aspect of business when it negatively affects the people who work for you, the communities that support you, and the environment that we all depend on. That is why we developed and instituted our Triple Bottom Line philosophy. Rather than focus solely on the singular bottom line – financial – we put equal emphasis on the social, environmental, and financial aspects of our company. This is the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), and we firmly believe that this mode of operation creates a healthy and successful environment where everyone can achieve their full potential.

When applied to construction, TBL concepts translate into building methods that benefit our clients and the environment. These include:

  • Construction of Super Insulated Buildings with high R-values
  • Utilization of Advanced Framing techniques in our buildings’ framing process
  • Avoidance of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Support of and reliance on Local Manufacturers and Local Resources whenever possible
  • A mindful Energy Efficiency approach to every project
  • Integration of all of these concepts to create High Performance Buildings
  • Demonstration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a top priority

Owner and President Deirdre Wadsworth learned the TBL concept while earning her MBA in Sustainability. In bringing this philosophy to Hardypond, Deirdre encourages her employees to embrace and practice TBL in every facet of construction.



  • LEED Accredited Professionals (LEED AP)
    President Deirdre Wadsworth and Project Manager Daphne Millay are both LEED Accredited Professionals. Deirdre has additional Building Design and Construction (BD + C) certification through the U.S. Green Building Council. Deirdre once held a committee position with the Maine USGBC Young Professionals Committee.
  • Green Professional (GPro)
    Deirdre is a GPro Certified Instructor and utilizes this certification to teach her employees best practices for creating green and efficient buildings.