Hardypond recently updated its website and logo. The original Hardypond logo has a story rooted in the company’s 30+ year history, which was something Hardypond President, Deirdre Wadsworth, wanted to honor. Her father and the company founder, Bob Gaudreau, started the business after he was laid off from his construction job two days before Christmas. Vowing to build a company where the employees would be valued, Bob chose the name Hardypond after the large pond near their family home. The first Hardypond office was the family’s dining room table, which is where Bob tasked his wife, Dorothy, with designing a logo that would represent the new company and its values of honesty, transparency, and integrity.
“I have a very specific memory of her drawing it,” says Deirdre Wadsworth. “I remember sitting at the dining room table with the sun shining through the cattails.”
Wadsworth wanted to update and modernize the look of the company logo, while staying connected to the sentimental history of her family’s company. “We work in a lot of right angles, so it made sense to have more straight lines in the logo,” explains Wadsworth.“ Her mom passed away several years ago, but Deirdre thinks she’d approve of the update. “I think she’d be happy and understand the need for change. The new logo feels like a combination of my mom and me.”