In recent years, emphasis has been put on high school students pursuing a college education vs a technical or vocational career which has led to declining enrollment in vocational training. Currently, there is a shortage of skilled workers in these fields and it is having an impact on businesses ability to complete jobs and grow their business.
Finding new workers to train during low-unemployment is a difficult task. Encouraging non-traditional workers to consider a career in these fields is one tactic being used to find and train workers. New Ventures Maine, an organization that offers free, one-day Totally Trades! conferences, encourages young women to pursue a non-traditional career. Supported by local businesses such as Hardypond Construction, these conferences provide hands-on experience to pique the interest of girls early in their education and give them an option to consider in a non-traditional career.
The article in Maine Women Magazine, discusses the overall issue of skilled workers. Deirdre Wadsworth, President of Hardypond Construction and a member of the Advisory Counsil for New Ventures, discusses her involvement with Totally Trades!, her message to girls to “be brave” and consider a non-traditional career as she did.